E: SOEInfo@suzhuan-sh.com
P: 206-281-2214
O: Peterson 300



School of Education

School of Education
Seattle Pacific University
3307 Third Ave. W., Suite 202
Seattle, WA 98119-1950

Main Office

If you have general questions:

Email: soeinfo@suzhuan-sh.com
Phone: 206-281-2214
Fax: 206-281-2756
Office: Peterson 300

Undergraduate Program and Certification

If you have questions about the undergraduate education program or teaching certification:

Certification team
Email: soe-cert@suzhuan-sh.com
Office: Peterson (Third floor)

Graduate Programs

Interested Applicants and Graduate Certification

If you have an undergraduate or graduate degree and have questions about teaching certification or if you want to learn more about graduate education or certification programs:

Sarah Richter, Assistant Director, Graduate Admissions

Admitted Graduate Students

If you’ve been admitted to a graduate education program:

Sarah Kirschner, Associate Director of Graduate Programs
Email: kirschners@suzhuan-sh.com
Phone: 206-281-2198
Fax: 206-281-2756
Office: Peterson 307

Center for Professional Education

Professional Development

If you have questions about site-based courses:

Mamta Ouyoumjian
Email: cpeinfo@suzhuan-sh.com
Phone: 206-281-2505
Fax: 206-281-2271
Office: Peterson 200

If you have questions about distance learning courses:

Mamta Ouyoumjian
Email: dlinfo@suzhuan-sh.com
Phone: 800-482-3848
Fax: 206-281-2271
Office: Peterson 200


If you're interested in adding an endorsement to your current Washington State Teaching Certificate:

Christina Barnes
Email: endorse@suzhuan-sh.com
Phone: 206-281-2573
Fax: 206-281-2271
Office: Peterson 200

Faculty & Staff Directory

A full list of the School of Education's faculty and staff, all in one convenient place.

Nyaradzo Mvududu

Message From The Dean

Discover the latest updates, insights, and innovations shaping SPU’s School of Education.